Building the AppWeb Samples

This document contains a description of the build process to build the AppWeb samples or to rebuild AppWeb from source. For the product release notes and a detailed description of the installation procedure, please consult the Release Notes supplied with this release.


The appWeb binary distribution contains all the necessary source files, headers and tools to build the samples. These samples are installed by default at /samples and at /usr/share/appWeb-VERSION for Linux. 

Each sample is a stand-alone directory that may be relocated or copied to any directory. For Linux a pre-supplied Makefile will be used to build the sample. For Windows, a Visual Studio project is supplied.

AppWeb Configurations 

The samples can only use features that have been built into the installed version of AppWeb. If you have recompiled AppWeb from source and have tailored the selected features, some of the samples may not run.


Building on Windows

AppWeb includes several project workspace files for building the samples.

Workspace File
C++/c++Samples.dsw Builds all files necessary for the appWeb program. Includes building all loadable modules.
C/cSamples.dsw Builds the HTTP client.

To build using Visual Studio 6 open the workspace files with a "dsw" extension. To build using Visual Studio.NET, open the workspace files and upgrade them to Visual Studio.NET solution files.

Building on Linux

You can build the samples by typing: make. You can clean the directory by typing make clean.

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