Installing on Linux

The Mbedthis AppWeb install distribution for LINUX is published in two formats

  • an RPM format

  • a tar format for custom/self installs

It is recommended that you use the RPM format if your system supports the RPM package standard.

  • The RPM image is: appWeb-VERSION-BUILD-LINUX-i386.rpm.tar.gz

  • The Self install image is: appWeb-VERSION-BUILD-LINUX-i386.self.tar.gz

The RPM format will register the software installation with the system's RPM manager so that you can query, verify, and easily manage the software on your system. The self-install format consists of tar archives that you can manually extract for maximum control over the placement of the product files. You can however, still use the install script with the self-install distribution if your system does not support RPM.

Both distribution images contains a binary distribution, documentation and samples in the one package. During installation you will have the option of installing the full distribution or just portions..

Installing the RPM Image

  1. Login as root

  2. Uncompress the image by typing

    gunzip appWeb-VERSION-BUILD-LINUX-i386.rpm.tar.gz

  3. Extract the top level files by typing

    tar xvf appWeb-VERSION-BUILD-LINUX-i386.rpm.tar

  4. ./install

Installing the Self-Install Image

  1. Login as root

  2. gunzip appWeb-VERSION-BUILD-LINUX-i386.self.tar.gz

  3. tar xvf appWeb-VERSION-BUILD-LINUX-i386.self.tar

  4. cd {Desired-Directory-For-Binaries}

  5. gunzip appWeb-VERSION-BUILD-LINUX-i386.tar.gz

  6. tar xvf appWeb-VERSION-BUILD-LINUX-i386.tar

  7. cd {Desired-Directory-For-Documentation}

  8. gunzip appWeb-doc-VERSION-BUILD.tar.gz

  9. tar xvf appWeb-doc-VERSION-BUILD.tar

Removing AppWeb

  1. Login as root

  2. Change directory to the installation directory for AppWeb. This is usually /etc/appWeb

  3. Run the remove script in the install directory for AppWeb by typing "./remove"

Running AppWeb

The AppWeb product installation will automatically start AppWeb before it completes. Thereafter, AppWeb will automatically start if the system is rebooted.

If you wish to stop AppWeb, type

service appWeb stop

You can restart AppWeb by

service appWeb start

Alternatively, you may also run AppWeb manually

  1. cd /etc/appWeb

  2. ./appWeb -l stdout:2

AppWeb is configured by default to listen on port 7777. To test that it is serving pages, point your browser at http://localhost:7777. To tailor the Mbedthis AppWeb configuration, including the default port, you may wish to edit the appWeb.conf configuration file. .

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