Description |
Specify the CGI program to run to handle the document |
Action mimeType programPath |
Context |
Default server, Virtual host |
Action application/x-appWeb-python /usr/bin/python
The Action directive associates the specified program path with a document mime type. The Action directive may be used to ensure a specific program is used to run CGI scripts.
The CGI handler may match URLs by extension or by prefix path, depending on how the appWeb configuration file setup. When a match by extension occurs, the cgiHandler will first see if an Action directive has been specified for the corresponding mime type for the URLs extension. If one is defined, the specified program is run with the CGI script passed as the first argument. If no action directive is found, the script is examined to see if it contains a "#!/programPath" in the first line of the script. If it does, the specified program is run with the CGI script passed as the first argument. If the script is a binary executable or if the first line does not contain such a programPath, the CGI script will be directly executed.
The default extensions in the appWeb configuration file are: cgi, cgi-nph, bat, cmd, pl, py, and php. For Linux, the default settings also include an Action directive for the php extension. The other default extensions do not have Action directives.
The mime type may be added via the AddType directive or you may edit the mime.types file to add the mime type. Mime type entries associate a mime type with a given URL extension. For example, the following mime entry specifies that any URL with a ".php" extension should will have the
application/x-appWeb-php mime type:
application/x-appWeb-php php
Description |
Add the specified handler for processing for given file extensions |
AddHandler handlerName extension [extension] ... |
Context |
Default server, Virtual host, Location |
AddHandler espHandler .esp .asp |
The AddHandler directive ensures that the AppWeb handler specified by
handlerName, will be run whenever a document with the given
extension is requested. Multiple extensions may be specified and multiple AddHandler directives may exist for any handler.
If the AddHandler directive is specified within a VirtualHost or
Location block, it is only valid within that context. VirtualHosts and Location blocks inherit the handler settings defined by outer blocks. I.e. a VirtualHost will inherit all the handlers of the default server. If you wish to remove a handler mapping, use ResetHandlers and then re-add the required handlers.
NOTE: Unlike Apache, the extensions are case sensitive on systems that have case sensitive file systems and the dot must be part of the extension.
Description |
Add a MIME type specifiction |
AddType mimeType extension
Context |
Default server, Virtual host |
application/x-appWeb-perl pl
The AddType directive will associate the specified MIME type with the nominated extension. MIME types are used by AppWeb when processing CGI scripts. When processing client requests, AppWeb will map a URLs extension to a mime type. If an Action directive has been specified for this mime type, the associate program will be run using the CGI protocol to process the URL.
Description |
Reset the list of defined handlers. |
ResetHandlers |
Context |
Virtual host, Location |
ResetHandlers |
The ResetHandlers directive cancels all previously defined handlers for the specified context. ResetHandlers is most often used inside VirtualHost blocks when you want to limit the handlers to a small set for that Virtual Host.
NOTE: ResetHandlers is a proprietary AppWeb directive and is not supported by Apache.
Description |
Load the static or dynamic AppWeb module |
Synopsis |
LoadModule moduleName modulePath |
Context |
Default server
LoadModule openSsl /etc/appWeb/modules/ |
The LoadModule directive causes the specified module to be loaded and its functionality made available to the default server and all virtual hosts. AppWeb supports both static and dynamically loaded modules. Some essentail modules will be statically linked into AppWeb. Modules that may or may not be required by particular users will be supplied as dynamically loadable modules. By supporting dynamic loadable modules, the memory footprint of AppWeb is minimized yet AppWeb can be extended to meet almost any need.
Modules may be dynamically loaded shared objects (DLLs) or they may be statically linked objects. If a module is statically linked into AppWeb, the LoadModule directive will start the module and activate it for processing. If a module is not statically linked into AppWeb and it has been made into a dynamically loadable module, then the LoadModule directive will locate and dynamically load the shared object or DLL, link it into AppWeb and then activate it for processing.
moduleName is encoded in the module itself and must be the name specified by the module provider. The
modulePath is the filename for the module
without the extension. AppWeb omits the extension so that configuration files will be more cross-platform. The
modulePath may be an absolute path or it may be relative to the Server Root. If the modulePath if a pure filename without any directory portion, the directory paths specified by the LoadModulePath are used to search for the module.
The order of modules in the configuration file is important. If module "A" uses the services of module "B", then module "B" must be loaded prior to loading module "A".
Handlers and Modules
There are two kinds of loadable modules:
Handlers are modules that respond to HTTP requests and serve the response content themselves. Pure modules are units of functionality that augment AppWeb without directly handling HTTP responses themselves.
AppWeb supplied modules
Authorization Module
libauthModule |
Common Gateway Interface Handler |
libcgiHandler |
C API Module
Debug Handler
Embedded Gateway Interface Handler |
libegiHandler |
Embedded Server Pages Handler |
libespHandler |
GoAhead WebServer API Compatibility Module
Matrix SSL Module
Open SSL Module
Secure Sockets Layer Module
Static Page Handler
NOTE: AppWeb modules are not binary or source compatible with Apache modules.
Description |
Specify a list of directory paths to search when loading Modules |
Synopsis |
LoadModule path ... |
Context |
Default server
LoadModulePath ../bin /home/josh/test |
The LoadModulePath directive causes subsequent LoadModule directives to search for their modules in the paths nominate by the LoadModulePath directive, if those paths are do not contain directory paths.