Expressions and operators in JavaScript follow closely their cousins in C/C++ or Java. Users familiar with these languages should feel right at home.
Expressions are combinations of variables and operators to produce a resulting value. Expressions can be used as the right hand side of an assignment, as function arguments, and in return statements. Expressions are the heart of JavaScript. Embedded JavaScript implements a subset of the ECMAScript specification for expressions and operators. The following operators are not supported: ===, !==, >>>, prefix ++ and --, &, |, ^, ?:. The operator / assignment combinations such as *= are also not supported.
The following table summarises the operators available in Embedded JavaScript. For a complete specification, please consult the ECMA-262 specification. |
Operator |
Operands |
Description |
* / % |
Numbers |
Multiply, divide, modulo |
+ |
Numbers, Strings |
Add numbers, catenate strings |
- |
Numbers |
Subtract numbers |
! |
Boolean |
Unary not |
++ |
Numbers |
Post-increment number |
-- |
Numbers |
Post-decrement number |
<< |
Integers |
Left shift |
>> |
Integers |
Right shift |
== != |
All |
Compare if equal, not equal |
< <= |
Numbers, Strings |
Compare if less than, less than or equal |
> >= |
Numbers, Strings | Compare if greater than, greater than or equal |
&& |
Booleans |
Logical AND |
|| |
Booleans |
Logical OR |
. | |
Property access |
[] |
array[integer] array[string] |
Array element access |
() |
function(any, ...) |
Function call |
new |
constructor function |
Create a new object using the given constructor |
delete |
delete |
Undefine a property |
a = x + y * z;
a = x + (y * z);
Operator |
. [] () new |
++ -- - + delete |
* / % |
+ - |
<< >> |
< <= > >= |
== != |
&& |
|| |
= |
, |
delete customer.currentOrder;